Some of you may have noticed that
I don’t post to a schedule and there’s not the greatest level of consistency in
what I post about. That’s the kinda guy I am. However, lately I’ve been even
more erratic than usual, principally because of the World Cup, but also for a
variety of other reasons, domestic and otherwise. I’m still banging away at
those bloody zouaves (just one batch to do now) and I’ve been side tracked by
the D-Day stuff and consequent fiddling with rules, reading and re-reading
books and the acquisition of some Peter Pig British Paras which, I fear, may
lead to bad things.
Any road up, while I was
searching out things in the Chamber of Secrets, O.K., the loft, I came across
Flames of War/Battlefront boxed entitled ‘British Rifle Company’ as only they
can. I say came across it, but it was more a case of repeatedly moving it out of
the way, during which evolutions I became increasingly irritated by them. It’s
funny how, like relatives, just one small thing can eventually cause
frustration simply by being there. I thought I’d bought them in celebration of
my mother-in-law’s demise, but Chris (son, not wife – it can get very confusing
in our house) insists they’ve much more recent than that, so they no longer
have even a sentimental attachment to save them from going west. And go west
they will.
So, a propos (or that might be
apropos, I’ve never bothered to work it out) of nowt really, I’m having a
give-away. The ‘gizzit’ in question is this:
as mentioned above and the rules
are dead simple:
EXISTING FOLLOWERS OF THIS BLOG ONLY – I know who you are. I don’t think it’s
fair that anyone should troll around and opt in on this just for the chance of
copping a freebie (that probably sounds rude, but I know what I mean). I know
there are some of you who read this blog, but don’t formally follow it or do
the circles thing, so you will be included if you can convince me that’s the
case and write a sufficiently groveling reason why you should be included. Yes,
I can be a right git when I want to be.
2) You have to answer three
a) Although not everyone’s best
friend, this officer’s sense of humour saved many lives on D-Day. Who was he?
b) Appropriate name for an Airborne
commander? Who was he and who did he command?
c) How did England manage to make
such an arse of their World Cup effort? Answers should be kept to a maximum of
200 words.
O.K., just
answer the first two . . . .
3) Answers should be sent to: thx1131@live.co.uk and the email headed
‘Lead Bank’. Identify yourself properly, send a contact email address and
confirm your blog details so I can double check. You don’t need to post
anything on this blog, just send the email.
4) Closing date is 23:59 BST on
Monday 14 July 2014. The person with the correct answers will be notified by
email shortly thereafter. If there’s more than one person with the correct
answers, I’ll resort so some scientifically sound method of random selection
like picking a name from a Sumo wrestler’s jock strap (no, not with my teeth
and not while he’s still wearing it).
nobody wins (or, more likely, if nobody enters!) then I’ll return said box to
the loft and leave’em to mature a bit longer, to be offered eventually to an ‘open’
Yes, I will ship abroad.
No, you don’t have to bribe me.
No, unlike Matt (Ubique) if lady wins all well and good, but no favours.
Anyway, what would a lady be doing reading a blog like this? Your mother would
go daft!
Yes, you can use your fingers.
Yes, my parents were married.
This is the first of more of the
same, but subsequent give-aways will celebrate something more than me falling
over boxes.
Questions man?
ReplyDeleteMuch head scratching and swearing begins.....question No.3 is the easiest!
Well I'm answering Matt Daman for all three questions, should I be expecting the figures in the post next week???
ReplyDeleteI've had one answer so far and I don't thin I could've made up a worse one! At this rate 'Matt Damon' might be a winner :O(
DeleteProbably shouldn't have said that lest it discourages anyone else . . . .